Categories: Leadership

3 Past United States Presidents To Take Note Of

If you manage to become the President of the United States, then you probably are a good leader. That’s not to say that there aren’t any Presidents that aren’t particularly good at leading the country. There are however, a few stand out Presidents that were able to lead the country during a particularly difficult time during American history.

It can be difficult to be a successful leader, especially the leader of the free world. There are a hell of a lot of challenges and obstacles to overcome, first of all to become the President, then also to have a successful presidency. There are some aspects that a number of the Presidents of the United States possess, but at the same time they all have their individual leadership styles, and lead the country during very different times.

Leaders need vision, especially if they are running for President, they need to show the whole of America what they plan to do to make the country better and fix any problems. Leaders need to make the tough call that could end up impacting a significant amount of people.

If you are looking to move into more of a leadership role within whatever you plan to do with your life, there are 3 past Presidents of the United States that you should take particular note of. Have a read on below to find more information about these presidents:

Abraham Lincoln

Many Americans believe that Abraham Lincoln was the greatest President, so it is no surprise that there are certain aspects of his leadership that others can learn from. Abraham Lincoln was known to be highly intelligent and stuck to his guns in what he believed in. Throughout Abraham Lincoln’s presidency, he dealt with one of the most divided times in American history.

He showed a great work ethic and really led by example. One of the greatest aspects of Abraham Lincoln and his presidency was his empathy. He was able to understand the motives behind each of the members of cabinet and could appeal to them, which ended up being the major factor that won their respect.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

One of the more famous quotes from Franklin D. Roosevelt was the “only thing we have to fear is fear itself”, which really managed to inspire Americans at a time where they really needed it, just after Great Depression. He was the President throughout World War II and he was a calm and focused leader that all Americans turned to during this difficult time.

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s leadership really helped to bring the country together to fight off the enemies. He was able to inspire people in probably the darkest days they had ever seen and worked to empower the masses to come together as one giant force.

George Washington

George Washington was the first President of the United States and a true pioneer. He had true vision of what he wanted to achieve and really helped set the country up for success. One of the other more well known things about George Washington was that he was honest, which is certainly something that a great leader really needs to be.

Not only was George Washington the President of the United States, but he was also an entrepreneur. He had a pretty successful farming business before he was President. He was organized and passionate, he always worked hard to ensure Americans had the best. Most importantly, George Washington was thinking into the future and how he could influence America in the decades and centuries to come.

Jeannie Contreras

Jeannie Contreras’s work as a corporate author specializing in business management, has earned her awards for outstanding projects, as well as being named as the best guide to international leadership of the past 10 years. She is a highly regarded consultant in the topic.

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