Categories: Leadership

Great Current Leaders You Can Learn From

There are a lot of different leaders out there in the world, some are good and some are not so good. Just as you would take advice from the more successful leaders, you should also take note of the not so successful leaders and try to avoid the mistakes that they have made.

Unfortunately, for anyone looking to be a great and successful leader, there is no silver bullet, or one major thing that you can do to become amazing. Instead, there are a lot of little things that you work on and build up overtime, and hopefully if you’ve got a solid base, that when you continue to reach new heights, you are able to still remain stable and continue to keep building up.

If you are looking to be a leader, or already a leader, no matter what a leader means to you in your individual situation, you probably want to be successful and help the business, or country, be even better. To be a great leader, you need to learn from the best, and take advice from some of the most successful current leaders.

These are the well known and highly recognized leaders of companies that are so successful. It is also important to note that not every leader has the same leadership style, so you should take their advice and mold it into something that works for you. Leaders have something that not everyone around them has, so if you want to be a leader, you will need to bring something new and unique to the table.

Nevertheless, it is still important to know who the great current leaders are in the world, and how you can draw inspiration and learn from them. Have a read on below at some of these great current leaders:

Mark Zuckerberg

Not only is Mark Zuckerberg an excellent entrepreneur, one of the world’s richest people, but he is also a great leader, it almost seems like all those three aspects work together with each other. If you aren’t a very good leader, then whatever you are working on probably isn’t going to be that successful!

Mark Zuckerberg believes that one of his major keys to success is his passion. If you didn’t already know, he is the co-founder and CEO of Facebook, one of the world’s most popular and powerful social media platforms. Mark Zuckerberg believes strongly in a positive team culture, and the hiring process at Facebook really reflects that.

Mary Barra

Maybe someone that you haven’t heard of, Mary Barra is the CEO of General Motor, which makes her the first female CEO of a major car business. Being a leader is difficult, especially when you are a female leader in a male dominated industry, but she was able to handle all the challenges the role of CEO threw at her in a way that not many others could. Mary Barra likes her leadership style to be more inclusive.

Jeff Bezos

Currently the richest person in the world, Jeff Bezos is the CEO of Amazon. It is no secret that Jeff Bezos loves to focus primarily on the customer. Everything he thinks about or does is thought with the customer in mind. By always thinking of the customer, he was able to grow Amazon into one of the most successful companies in the world.

Reid Hoffman

Reid Hoffman is the co-founder of LinkedIn, another major social media platform, which connects business professionals with each other and facilitates networking and also helps people find a job. Reid Hoffman is all about building trust, between employees as well as customers.

Jeannie Contreras

Jeannie Contreras’s work as a corporate author specializing in business management, has earned her awards for outstanding projects, as well as being named as the best guide to international leadership of the past 10 years. She is a highly regarded consultant in the topic.

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