Best Aspects of Theodore Roosevelt’s Presidency

    Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th President of the United States and he served from 1901 to 1909. He also served briefly as the 25th Vice President of the United States from early 1901 until September that same year. The President at the time, William McKinley, was in New York and was shot by Leon Czolgosz on September 6.

    A couple of weeks later, on September 14 William McKinley passed away and Theodore Roosevelt become President. As he was the Vice President before taking on the top job, there was no Vice President for Theodore Roosevelt’s first term in the office. Theodore Roosevelt also served in the New York Army National Guard from 1882 to 1886 and again in 1898.

    Theodore Roosevelt is one of the four faces that are carved into Mount Rushmore, along other Presidents including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln. Interestingly, Theodore Roosevelt is still the youngest ever person to become the President of the United States, he was 42 years of age at the time.

    He quickly became a true leader during a very progressive time in America and he was a well known member and leader of the Republican Party. Many people believe that Theodore Roosevelt was one of the best Presidents of all time, and he holds a regular spot in the greatest of all time lists.

    Theodore Roosevelt was really a man of the people and he wanted to make things more accessible to every American. He went on to put more regulations on big businesses to ensure that their actions didn’t have a negative impact on society. At the time, he was a true leading force and people believed he had the credibility to make the right decisions for the country.

    Another major aspect of Theodore Roosevelt’s presidency was his foreign affairs. Many believe Theodore Roosevelt to be the first real modern President and his ability to revolutionize foreign affairs was a significant part of that. He looked at how America would impact the world, and how his policies would shape not just the country but also the world.

    Theodore Roosevelt became involved with Latin America and led negotiations here. He also intervened in Santo Domingo and Venezuela when their national stability was an issue. As well as this, Theodore Roosevelt worked closely with the navy to ensure national security. He believed that if the navy were stronger it would act as a deterrent from potential enemies targeting the United States.

    He was said to be one of the first Presidents of the United States that really had some charm. Theodore Roosevelt was pretty clever with the way he went about things and his charm made him exceptionally liked by the majority of Americans living at this time. It was said that he used the media in a way to shape the opinion from the public.

    While majority of the voting for President prior to Theodore Roosevelt was more able whether the candidate was a Republican or a Democrat, this all changed in 1904 when people were said to have voted for the man, Theodore Roosevelt, because they liked him, and not because he was a Republican.

    Many Americans liked Theodore Roosevelt because they felt that he actually listened to their problems and tried to do all in his power to help fix it and make it better. He wasn’t afraid to be the first President to do something and became a sort of trendsetter for many other Presidents. There are a lot of political figures and Presidents that take notes from how Theodore Roosevelt handled his presidency.

    Jeannie Contreras
    Jeannie Contreras
    Jeannie Contreras’s work as a corporate author specializing in business management, has earned her awards for outstanding projects, as well as being named as the best guide to international leadership of the past 10 years. She is a highly regarded consultant in the topic.

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