Monica Abbott

    Monica Abbott has over 20 years of experience in reporting on life style, fashion and celebrity. She is a highly-valued journalist. She is routinely asked for her opinion on a range of issues in the changing global lifestyle-place.

    Mike Eisenga Discusses Investing in Appreciable Assets

    After making their first significant profit, entrepreneurs must learn...

    How Kylie Jenner Became A Billionaire

    Pretty much everyone knows who Kylie Jenner is; she...

    7 Women Entrepreneurs To Watch

    There are a lot of entrepreneurs out in the...

    Cooking Tips From Julia Child

    If you don’t already know who Julia Child was, she...

    Tips You Can Take From Richard Branson For Personal Development

    If you are looking for advice for your own personal...

    Famous Art Galleries To Visit in the US

    There is a lot of culture right around the United...

    The Art Factory Studios Crafts Unforgettable Creative and Wedding Masterpieces in a Historic Canvas

    From Steven Spielberg to Bustling Brides and Creatives, Paterson NJ’s,...

    Chronicle Home: Crafting Furniture That Draws Families Closer During the Holidays

    Holidays often evoke memories tied to particular places, perhaps a...

    Pastor Dino Rizzo Offers Strategies for Successful Church Planting

    As the executive director of ARC (Association of Related Churches),...

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