How Christian Santiago, a Former Pastor Turned High-Performance Coach is Helping Entrepreneurs Become Inspirational Leaders People Want to Follow

    Christian Santiago is the founder of The Greatness Institute, a high performance coaching company whose mission is to help faith-based executives, investors and high-achieving entrepreneurs become inspirational leaders people want to follow by mastering six habits.

    Santiago helps them tap into their skillset and better understand who they are, what they are known for and ultimately helps them target the next strategic steps in making progress and achieving their dreams.

    His reputation and notoriety has been built on his status of guiding faith-driven business leaders, professionals, C-level executives, and companies to better shape their infrastructure, mentalities and overall well being, both personally and professionally.

    He has lent his services to individuals and companies, via his client-coaching program and e-courses, which include a clientele of a combined $369 million in net worth. Each of his courses and writings aim to light a fire in his clients and inspire them, while helping them surpass their limiting beliefs and find success and in holding fast to one’s faith, but not exclusively.

    The former pastor has written numerous successful publications, including three books, among them, Born To Rule: Reclaiming Your God-Given Birthright To Rule On Earth. He also has applied his expertise to his popular step-themed transformational publications like, 8 Biblical Pillars of Rapid Transformation, 6 Keys of the Kingdom and 6 High-Performance Habits.

    How to Become a High Performer People Want to Follow

    Results from a study conducted by Brendon Burchard, who runs a high-performance research company, found that the six most-important habits of high performers were: clarity, energy, necessity, productivity, influence and courage. The study was tallied as part of an extensive interview process involving leaders from 198-different countries, 90,000 coaching sessions and two million online students.

    Santiago has made it his mission to master these habits and create his own distinct determinations behind combining these science-backed, high-performance habits, in conjunction with biblical principles, to further them, via his ‘Kingdom High Performance’.

    Clarity, according to Santiago, is vital for high performers because it dives into who they are, but also in who they are becoming. He believes that clarity requires one to know what to do now, but reaching the next level of this habit is all about the future.

    “Without clarity on who God wants them to become, there’s only room for confusion and burnout,” stated Santiago. “This is because there’s no meaning attached to their success.”

    Energy, per the study, stated that 5% of people are 40% more likely to exercise at least four times each week. Santiago believes that, if mastered, along with the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of one’s self, makes for a successful ‘quadfecta’ to one’s being. Santiago found that when the spiritual component is activated, people’s energy levels in the other three areas rise to dynamic levels.

    Necessity is one area in which high performers are far more advanced than the ‘average Joe’. This is because they make projects a must-complete rather than a preference. According to Santiago, necessity is raised when people operate out of their God-given obsessions, rather than their fleeting passion.

    Productivity is key as high performers allocate their time properly. The magic behind their Prolific Quality Output (PQO) is that they can out-produce an average person because they are laser-focused on outputs that matter most in completing projects.

    Influence comes naturally to a high performer as people want to follow them. The innate abilities to teach others, challenge them to grow and serve as a role model play into this habit.

    Courage matters for a high performer and is really the backbone of their habitual skillset. This habit allows them to target their inner conversations, make bold moves and turn impossibilities into possibilities. Others will essentially follow the lead of one with this habit. This habit requires people to lean into faith, because operating out of courage will require a greater trust in God than ever before.

    “The greatest part about the six high-performance habits is that you don’t have to focus on each and every one of them all at once,” said Santiago. “When you focus on one, the other five tend to increase, naturally, as a result. When performed correctly, Christian entrepreneurs and executives can step into higher levels of performance that inspires people to follow them like never before.”

    About Christian Santiago

    Christian Santiago is Greenville’s #1 high performance coach, who founded his company, The Greatness Institute, where he serves as a coaching and culture specialist for Christian entrepreneurs, high-end executives, high net worth investors, and 9-figure companies. Santiago strongly believes in showing people what they’re really capable of doing, as no person or organization is ever stuck or powerless to change the situation they are in. To become the best leader and high performer that is already inside of you, go to

    Jeannie Contreras
    Jeannie Contreras
    Jeannie Contreras’s work as a corporate author specializing in business management, has earned her awards for outstanding projects, as well as being named as the best guide to international leadership of the past 10 years. She is a highly regarded consultant in the topic.

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