Career Tips From Successful Business People

    One of the most important parts of personal development is through your career. You spend a significant proportion of your life working and you can learn and grow a lot personally through the workplace as well. This is why it is important that you think about your career as well, when you are looking at how to improve your personal development and there are certainly a lot of different ways you can go about this.

    It is always good to get advice from other people when it comes to your career, may it be your family or friends. But another good place to source advice from is also other successful business people. They have been there, done that and can offer great advice speaking and drawing from their own experiences. If you want to have a more successful career and feel like you have accomplished something in your life, then this is a good place to start.

    Have a read on below at some great career tips from successful business people that you can also apply to your own personal development:

    It’s Who You Know

    You have probably heard the saying, “it’s not what you know, but who you know”, well it is really important in your career. Yes, you need to actually know things about the industry you are in, but over your career you will probably find that your greatest opportunities come from another person helping you, and not solely based on your skill set. So, it is very important that you build relationships and do some networking every now and again.

    Failing is Okay

    Some people are so scared to fail at something that they won’t even try in the first place. If you are looking for some inspiration here, you cannot go past the famous words by J. K. Rowling “it is impossible to live without failing at something…”. Another entrepreneur, James Altucher believes that people need to not keep focusing on their own failures or something they did wrong.


    Advice from probably one of the most recognized entrepreneurs in the world, Mark Zuckerberg, is to have trust in yourself. If you are trying to be successful and grow your career, there will always be people out there trying to put you down or tell you that you can’t do something. This is where self-belief is really important, you need to trust and believe in your own ability and that you can do it.


    You probably have a plan for your career and what you want to do and who you want to be, and that’s great! But remember that you also need to have some flexibility in your career development because inevitability things are going to change and in your life you are certainly going to get a couple of curve balls thrown at you which takes your career in a completely different direction to what you originally thought of.

    Constant Learning

    You don’t stop learning as soon as you have finished school or college. You should always have the thirst for knowledge and learning new things. Now this doesn’t have to result in formal learning again, like going back to college to complete another degree, but it could be something as simple as reading a few articles a week about a certain topic.

    Recognize Opportunities and Say Yes

    It is important that you understand when the right opportunity comes along. Over your career you will be presented with a lot of different opportunities, big and small, it is important that you grab as many of those you can with open arms and say yes.

    Zachary Draeger
    Zachary Draeger
    Zacahary Draeger is is a tech and business journalist with nearly 15 years. While studying journalism in Chicago, Zachary found a passion for finding new tech gadgets and technlogy. As a contributor to Entrepreneurial Mag, Zachary mostly covers technology and business news and stories.

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