Important Management Tips All Entrepreneurs Should Know, According to Business Consultant Corey Shader

    Every entrepreneur is also a leader, especially when managing a team of employees. In this article, Corey Shader shares tips you can use to become a more effective leader.

    Set Clear Expectations

    Management Tips All Entrepreneurs

    How do you measure success? Your employees need to know the answer to that question just as much as you do.

    Whether it’s working on a project or simply setting standards for the workplace, it’s important to communicate clearly—and regularly—exactly what you expect from your team.

    Set “SMART” goals. SMART goals are those that are:

    • Specific
    • Measurable
    • Achievable
    • Relevant
    • Time-bound

    Communicating your expectations and goals will make it easier for you to check in on your team and monitor the progress of their projects.

    Listen Well 

    listen to your team

    Make it a priority to listen to your team. For example, at the end of every conversation, simply ask: “Is there anything else?” This opens the door for your employees to share any questions or concerns they’re experiencing in the workplace.

    That doesn’t mean you’re responsible for resolving every issue. But at the very least, taking time to let your employees feel heard can go a long way toward employee morale, and it can deepen trust between you and your team.

    Share the Glory

    Share the GloryWhen your company achieves a goal, don’t just pat yourself on the back. Pay it forward by thanking team members that made significant contributions.

    Even a simple acknowledgment in a team meeting can make workers feel valued and respected, which creates loyalty to your company. Some managers even offer their praise in public by highlighting star employees on their website or social media page.

    Develop Other Leaders

    Develop Other Leaders

    Today’s workforce doesn’t just need managers but mentors. Great leaders find those around them who show promise and invest in them, molding them into leaders within their respective departments.

    You can achieve this by mentoring rising stars one-on-one, giving them additional responsibility over time, or even inviting them to attend business conferences or webinars.

    This can have practical benefits as your team grows since you’ll be able to delegate more and more of your responsibilities to your trusted team members. You may even discover that you’ve hired team members that are better at certain tasks than you are. That may be humbling, but it also means that your company is stronger as a result.

    Stay Flexible

    Stay Flexible

    If we’ve learned anything in recent years, it’s that nothing is certain. The best leaders adapt to change, and their positive attitude can serve as an example for the entire team.

    Practically, this might mean welcoming new ideas and approaches. Become a lifelong learner by reading the latest books and listening to cutting-edge podcasts, and find ways to integrate these lessons into your team meetings and day-to-day routine.

    About Corey Shader

    Over the years, Corey Shader has served as a consultant and investor and has even founded several companies, including Insurance Pipeline. Today, Corey uses his entrepreneurial experience to help young businesses reach their full potential. His life experiences continue to inspire others to be their very best, both in and out of the business world.

    Zachary Draeger
    Zachary Draeger
    Zacahary Draeger is an investigative journalist known for his projects on exposing fraud within the higher echelons of society and government. His works have led to investigation and prosecution of numerous high authority figures. He also covers variety of topics related to businesses. His work is highly read across the world.

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