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    Insurance Claim HQ’s Galen M. Hair Offers Expert Advice on Whether You Should Call an Adjuster Yourself

    Galen M. Hair
    Galen M. Hair, Founder of Insurance Claim HQ

    Let’s face it: no one likes dealing with insurance companies. You most likely have to do it after something terrible happens, and you are least prepared to deal with their fast talking, industry jargon, and complicated legalese.

    But, when you want to expedite the settlement process and begin rebuilding your life as quickly as possible, you may be tempted to reach out directly and call the adjuster on your case. Many people in the same situation often come to Galen M. Hair, Founder of Insurance Claim HQ, to ask him if making the call themselves is ok.

    “Of course, it’s your adjuster and your claim. So, you are entitled to deal with them yourself,” he said. But, he continued, unless you are very familiar with insurance law or have studied the specifics of your case and the finer points of your insurance policy, he’d probably advise you not to talk to make that call.

    Based in New Orleans but serving several states, Hair is an expert on property insurance cases — they are the only kind he and his team deal with. Though he opened his own firm just two years ago, after working in property insurance protection law for more than a decade, he’s already made a name for himself, taking on the world’s largest insurance companies in nationwide denial cases.

    In that short period, he assisted 1,200 families, and several churches in getting the money owed to them by property insurers. He’s also landed on the Inc 500 list and Goldman Sachs 10,000 list.

    He knows from experience the underhanded things insurance companies try to pull on unsuspecting claimants, most of whom have faithfully paid premiums for years. Then, when they need help, they find themselves stalled, denied, and with claims reduced by the companies they thought were there to support them in times of trouble.

    “Unfortunately, it’s very normal. Insurance companies are businesses designed to profit from your premiums. So when they get your claim, they only consider how to impact their bottom lines the least. If they can get away with paying you less than you deserve, they will,” the founder said.

    Below, Hair shares his thoughts on when you should call your adjuster yourself and when you should leave this delicate work in the hands of professionals.

    You Know Your Case

    Hair noted that policyholders successfully talk to adjusters daily, and things go smoothly. But, many more do themselves (and their cases) serious damage when phoning up the person in charge of doling out insurance dollars.

    “You can call your adjustor and talk to them, but only if you are sure you have a firm handle on your case. You need to know the laws, your rights, the details of your policy, and your obligations. If you make the call and are unprepared, you’re likely to accidentally say something that could damage your case by admitting a breach of your insurance contract,” Hair explained.

    On the Record

    If you are in a state where recording phone conversations is legal, Hair strongly suggests recording every single phone call you have with all adjusters.

    “I get a lot of complaints from clients that an adjuster told them something false, misleading, untrue, or even just horrendous. But, when I go to depose these adjusters, they say they never said those things. I know my clients aren’t lying to me, but without a recording, there is no proof that it ever happened,” he said.

    He offered a second tidbit of wisdom regarding notes and recordings, stating that — no matter what you do — adjusters are documenting everything you say in notes and recordings. But you can’t rely on those recordings if your case goes to trial.

    Hair has seen countless cases in which insurance companies claim they can’t produce the recordings during litigation. They most likely won’t produce them if they help your case. And, while the adjusters always make written notes during calls, those are slanted in a way that helps the insurance company, not you.

    Use Your Resources

    “A lot of people call their adjusters, and a lot of people handle their claims themselves, and if it’s going well, and you know what you’re doing, no problem. But, if you have professional help, like a loss consultant, a contractor, a public adjuster, or an attorney, I suggest letting your team talk to the adjuster. They know what needs to be said, how it should be said, and whether what the adjuster says back is important and what it means for your claim,” explained Hair.

    It makes sense. After all, If you have help from experts in the property insurance field, it’s best to let them do what they do best. And, if you are looking for expert help, Hair and his team at Insurance Claim HQ are always ready to help.

    About Galen M Hair

    Galen M Hair, Owner at Insurance Claim HQ, is a property insurance attorney who has helped over 1,200 families rebuild their homes and businesses. He has been rated a Super Lawyers Rising Star and voted one of the National Trial Lawyers Top 100. Click here to learn more about protecting your property from disaster:  http://www.insuranceclaimhq.com

    G.O.A.T. Christopher Mitchell Introduces ELITE Coaching Club Where Aspiring Players Can Learn His Patented ‘Mitchellgale’ Strategy

    Christopher Mitchell
    Christopher Mitchell

    No other professional gambling coaches or consultants offer what Christopher Mitchell can. To put it frankly, there’s a reason why they call him the greatest of all-time (G.O.A.T.). He has ‘been there and done that’ and now he is turning his sights over to helping others ‘print money’.

    Christopher has co-authored a book, along with his wife, Stacy, titled 3% Millionaire Blueprint, which serves as a 365-day strategy guide teaching players how to go from $100 to $1 million. He also has a high-performing YouTube channel. All the while, he serves as a thought-leader among the gambling ELITE and carries an optimal mindset to boot. With masterclasses and coaching clubs, and crafting numerous techniques for navigating a casino and coming out on top, like the patented ‘Mitchellgale’ strategy, he is the go-to expert for improving one’s play.

    The ‘Mitchellgale’ Strategy

    Three years ago, Christopher created his own spin based on a flaw he noticed in the Martingale betting strategy. With it, he earned over $2 million while gambling in a casino.

    The traditional ‘Martingale’ strategy calls for ‘doubling up’ on losing bets and seeing winning bets reduced by half. It essentially means to create a scenario of instilling a loss-averse mindset in players to help them break even, but there is also a chance of losing more quickly as well.

    It is essentially a double-edged sword strategy.

    With the ‘Mitchellgale’ strategy, Christopher has created a means to recoup your losses when doubling one’s bet with each loss.

    “If you started a minimum bet at $100 but then lost five or six times in a row, then you would need to do a sequence where your first bet would be $200 and, if you lose, double it again to $400, then $800, $1,600 and so on,” said Christopher. “If you lost again after that, the obvious next bet would be $3,200. However, here’s the flaw in the ‘Martingale’ method. If you end up placing a $3,200 bet and you win, you will have only made $100 in profit and that, to me, does not make sense financially.”

    He also noticed that there is a flaw in utilizing the traditional ‘Martingale’ strategy in games like Baccarat. In instances where a player is betting on a banker at a casino, where the bankers charge a 5% commission on each win, then when applied to the possible $3,200, you pay said fee.

    “My personal philosophy is ‘the bigger the risk that I take means the more profit that I should make’,” he said. “So, think of a traditional ‘Martingale’, but when you double it, you add on additional money on top of it as well.”

    ELITE Coaching Club

    Christopher founded the ELITE Coaching Club on the basis that he wanted to build a network of like-minded players that encompass the ‘best-of-the-best’. In fact, no other professional or coach is offering an interactive and engaging approach to helping players garner skills and the proper education and techniques to gamble both responsibly and strategically.

    “I had to teach myself through trial and error,” Christopher said. “I basically lost everything and got it all back, ten fold. With my new program, the great thing is, members can learn from me and not have to face the potential of losing a lot of money in the process.”

    The ELITE Coaching Club is a gathering where anyone can learn how to become a high-performing player, whether in online play or at a casino. Christopher welcomes players of all skill levels, abilities and walks of life to take part in weekly, two-hour sessions where they can pick his brain, learn tips and strategies and even play alongside him online.

    Additionally, he offers a 100% money-back guarantee if players who join him each week are not making $500 a month.

    “Most people want a handout, but not a hand up. That is what I’m hoping to achieve with my new program, to help lift aspiring players to my level,” he said. “I’m looking for people who want to realize all their dreams, people who want to pay off all of their debt and travel the world. If you want to make these things happen, then my coaching program is for you.”

    About Christopher Mitchell

    Christopher Mitchell is the Top Professional Gambler and Gambling Consultant in the world. He teaches people how to find success in casinos in Baccarat, Roulette, Blackjack and Sports Betting. After losing $500,000 in the Casinos, Christopher finally figured out how to win and created his personal recipe for success, which includes specific tips, rules and strategies to follow. He shares his winning formulas with others all over the world through his private ELITE Coaching Club, exclusive Mastermind Events, as well as his personal one-on-one coaching program. For more information please visit www.ChristopherMitchellTheGoat.com

    A Conversation with David Malcolm, San Diego Entrepreneur, on Succeeding Without a (Traditional) College Degree

    David Malcolm

    Can you succeed in business and forge a career without a four-year or even two-year college degree? Without question. Among those who have done so are Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Rachel Ray, Sir Richard Branson, and David Malcolm, a highly successful San Diego entrepreneur with five decades of professional experience.

    But should you count on being able to succeed without a traditional college degree? Well, that depends on what you want to do, but it is likely to be a steeper path to the top.

    Education is More Than a Degree

    Every individual is different and every life path is different, but as David Malcolm has found – education is a critical success factor. Education comes in many forms.

    “I did not earn a traditional college degree, but I benefitted tremendously from education. While still in high school, I earned my real estate license and went into the industry in which, 50 years later, I still ply my trade, loving (almost) every moment,” said Malcolm.

    “My formal education included earning my CCIM (Certified Commercial Investment Member) designation, considered the gold standard for commercial real estate professionals. I even took the first class during my honeymoon!”

    Later in life, Malcolm was fortunate enough to go through the Harvard Business School’s Presidents Program and today is a distinguished Harvard Business School contributing lecturer, giving lectures to smart, young people on an annual basis.

    The School of Hard Knocks

    Pretty much an unavoidable form of “education” comes via the school of hard knocks.

    Malcolm began his real estate career at 18, full of youthful energy and fresh perspective, which enabled him to work long hours and see new ideas, but he faced obstacles. Unfortunately, young business professionals can be dismissed as rookies because of their lack of experience.

    “I ultimately overcame that through perseverance (not accepting no as an answer) and relationships with mentors who shared their failures and helped me avoid their mistakes. I strongly advise anyone, especially entrepreneurs, to seek out mentors and treasure the education you receive from them. Consider them to be professors of real life … because they are,” shared Malcolm.

    “Another very hard knock came when I sold a property in my first six months in business. My commission was $100,000 (in 1972). But the seller hired an attorney who told me I could take $50,000 then or sue them and win, but it would take three years. I took the $50,000 … a very expensive educational opportunity.”

    Pros and Cons of a College Degree

    Let’s turn this around and start with the cons. College is expensive and the cost is skyrocketing. According to U.S. News, the total cost of a college education has doubled in the past 20 years. Now student debt is a hot topic these days and with good reason. According to the same source, student borrowing increased 25 percent from the class of 2009 to the class of 2021.

    Money talks, and sometimes it screams and presents insurmountable obstacles.

    On the other hand, a college degree has real perceived value and gives you a considerable advantage. A degree is still a requirement to even apply for many, if not most, jobs.

    And a college education is designed to provide exposure to a very broad base of knowledge, ideas and ways of thinking. That broadens your thinking and perspective in ways that pay off big time in a career. According to Malcolm, “It is a ‘booster rocket’ to a better life, especially if you come from a family that did not have degrees or need to overcome personal adversity.”

    That’s why Malcolm and his wife personally support colleges and college scholarships for those who have overcome obstacles and face others in their chosen path. The David Malcolm Scholarship was created precisely for that.

    Consider the Options

    There are numerous ways to get a career-focused education other than college or university, especially today. There are certificate programs (like the CCIM), apprenticeships (yes, those still exist), vocational education opportunities and a myriad of online options.

    You don’t need a college degree to become an air-traffic controller, dental assistant, detective, sports coach or stylist. And you don’t need one to start your own business.

    “A term I grew up with, but don’t hear so much anymore is ‘on-the-job training’. Never underestimate the value of OJT because that is real-world education,” said Malcolm.

    How Do You Decide?

    Whatever path you take, take education seriously and seek it out. Again, always find mentors to impart their hard-earned wisdom. Try different things … even different paths or different careers. Don’t be afraid to try and fail – maybe dropping out of college if it isn’t working for you.

    “What is important is to pick yourself back up again and to learn from the experience. And then keep going. Persistence pays.

    “Take the long view – something that seems to be out of favor lately. Look at your life from a perspective of decades, not months or even years.

    “The bottom line is that you will never have a greater opportunity than your preparation will allow you to make of it. Preparation requires education … whatever that means for you. Whether that includes a traditional college degree or not is up to you,” concluded Malcolm.

    More About David Malcolm

    With a five-decade track record of excellence in the real estate industry, David Malcolm is the President of Cal West Apartments in San Diego, CA, which has provided financing and homes for thousands of residential and commercial clients. He has also served in several civic offices and is a generous contributor to many public and private organizations.

    Flavia Leal Runs Her Beauty Empire to Empower Deserving Women to Find Success

    Flavia Leal

    Flavia Leal, the founder of the Flavia Leal Beauty School, has based her career on helping women entrepreneurs find and develop their unique skills, providing the education to prepare them for a career, and championing on every step down the road to success.

    Originally from Brazil, the beauty empire founder left her home country in search of more advantages for herself and her family, landing in the US in 2000.

    She went through many hard years, enduring substandard housing with her young daughters and fighting for each success she earned. It’s amazing to think that she was going to school while also working 80 hours every week. At the same time, she had to find time to spend with her daughter, and put away money to fund her dreams.

    Always one for hard work and getting done what needs to be done, those closest to Leal were not at all surprised that she was making progress toward her goal every year.

    However, life had more struggles in store for the young Leal, and the aspiring business woman suffered the loss of both of her parents within one year of each other. Suddenly alone in the world, her daughter was also diagnosed with ADHD around this time, adding to Leal’s worries.

    “In this life, we do best when we do what we have to do, not what we want to do,” said Leal. “Sure, our bodies and minds get tired. Maybe we don’t want to take a chance or open up the door to see what is on the other side — but we have to do these things to grow.”

    Inspiration from Heartbreak

    Never forgetting her promise to herself to create a better life and be in a position to help other women through beauty and entrepreneurship, Leal opened the doors to her first beauty school in 2010.

    Well aware of the prejudices she had faced as an immigrant, a woman, and a person from an underprivileged background, she flung open the doors of her school-wide to women like her. Those who had been rejected from other career paths, schools, and opportunities because of where they came from or what they’d been through.

    “Rather than see these women as unemployable or unteachable, I think the opposite. I know what I’ve been through, and I know that it makes me resilient and a better worker than many others. I see that in these women. They have survived so much, and they have so much to give,” said Leal.

    In 2012, just two years after opening her school, she unveiled her own luxury makeup line. The next year, she had the opportunity to open a second location for her school and add beauty workshops to her teaching schedule as well.

    It’s only been uphill since then.

    Awards and Accolades

    Soon, the public began noticing the empire that Leal was building, and the business community — as well as her peers — began formally recognizing her for it. Leal has won many awards over the years, as far back as 2012 and as recently as May of this year.

    Her first award came the same year she opened. Named the 2012 ‘Entrepreneur of the Year’ by an organization of Brazilians outside of Brazil, she has also won an award for ‘Small Companies, Big Business,’ and one for Brazilian Women in Power.

    Among the most prestigious awards for her community is the Portuguese/Brazilian Awards, which honor Portuguese speakers living and succeeding worldwide. She was first awarded by this organization in 2018 and took home her second award from the group in May of this year.

    Upward Trajectory

    Today, Leal has taken the beauty world by storm and helped hundreds of women find their strength, success, and happiness. She speaks at events around the world in inspirational speeches that blend motivational speaking with insider beauty industry tips and knowledge.

    The founder is a licensed expert in cosmetology, esthetics, manicures, airbrush, brow design, and artificial nail techniques. She teaches makeup application and esthetics alongside her skills as a professional cosmetics demonstrator. Students at Flavia Leal Beauty School can earn both national and international certificates.

    “Meet people. Help people. Be generous,” is Leal’s mantra in life. And she lives it every day through the women she inspires, teaches, helps, and enables to find success on their own terms.

    About Flavia Leal

    Flavia Leal, Founder of the Flavia Leal Beauty School, is an award-winning instructor, serial entrepreneur and motivational speaker. For more information, please visit: https://www.flavialeal.com/

    Why You Need a Solution-Based Mindset, According to Michael Patrick of The Property Advocates

    Michael Patrick of The Property Advocates

    Life isn’t as predictable as we would like it to be. There will always be curveballs thrown your way, and they have the power to lower your mood and success if you let them, as Michael Patrick of The Property Advocates explains.

    While preventing all challenges is impossible, you can adopt a solution-based mindset to help you deal with them more effectively. After all, how you handle the difficulties that come your way determines how successful you are at tackling them.

    Here are some reasons why a solution-based mindset works and ways you can adopt one.

    It Helps Define the Fix

    When a challenge comes your way, the ultimate goal should always be to solve that challenge, to fix what’s wrong. What the actual solution is, though, is not always crystal clear.

    If you focus on the problem rather than the solution, the waters can become even muddier than they already are. Adopting a solution-based mindset helps you to focus on what needs to be done to overcome the challenges by clearly defining what solution you’re looking for.

    “When people asked me, ‘Hey, is this a good idea? or I think we should try this.’ My first question is, ‘What is the problem you’re trying to solve?’ because I can’t give you my opinion unless I know what you’re trying to accomplish,” Michael Patrick, the COO and managing attorney of The Property Advocates, says. “What is the solution you’re looking for?”

    It Creates a Roadmap

    By defining the fix, a solution-based mindset will also help you create a roadmap for how to actually accomplish the fix. Once you have defined the end game of where you want to go, you can work backward to figure out how to get there.

    “That is for me. I do it at home and at the office. I do it in all aspects of life. I try to focus on what the result is going to be and what the solution to the problem is, and then I worked backward from there,” Michael Patrick says.

    If all you’re doing is focusing on the problems that got you into this situation, or the failures you’ve endured to this point trying to fix it, it’ll be very hard to find your way out.

    “It’s similar to doing one of those mazes,” Michael Patrick of The Property Advocates explains. “You start at the finish line and work your way backward to start. So that’s how I approach everything.”

    It Engenders Positive, Hopeful Feelings

    One of the biggest benefits of adopting a solution-based mindset is that it engenders positive, hopeful feelings. When you are focused on what’s in front of you — the fix — rather than what’s behind you or currently in front of you — the challenge or failure — you’re more likely to have positive thoughts.

    Focusing on what you have to overcome, on the other hand, can drag you down. It can make you feel defeated, deflated, and depressed.

    One of the keys to solving any problem is to remain positive and hopeful that you can actually get it done. Otherwise, you won’t be able to put in your best effort, or you may just give up altogether.

    About Michael Patrick

    As an attorney, passionate problem-solver, and The Property Advocates’ COO, Michael Patrick uses his legal background to solve complex issues and attain the best solutions with the least risk. Michael enjoys mentoring clients through challenges and leading them toward the best outcomes. Michael earned his Juris Doctorate from Barry University School of Law and enjoys spending weekends with his wife, Miranda, and three children, Aiden, AnnaBelle, and Ava.

    TECOBI’s Scarlet Mick Co-Founded a Smash-Hit Tech Company, Here’s Her Advice to Female Founders

    Scarlet Mick
    Scarlet Mick

    Scarlet Mick wants to help other women on the entrepreneurial path. Whether they are female founders, woman owners, or CEOs, she believes that the pearls of wisdom she collected along the road to success can help other powerful women on the same path.

    The Denver tech company that she co-founded, TECOBI, is revolutionizing the auto sales industry, thanks to her very astute business strategizing and some savvy software engineering on the part of her partner-in-both-senses-of-the-word Jason Girdner.

    TECOBI is an innovative tech startup that bridges the formerly wide communication gap between buyers and auto salespeople. Using AI-integrated technology, TECOBI assists thousands of car dealerships across the US in automated lead follow-up that prospective customers also love.

    Her product allows car buyers to start the buying process over text messages, asking all their questions about options, safety features, and financing over SMS. For many, this saves them the time of driving out to the dealership early in the buying process, and it keeps them from being pressured into buying too quickly by pushy car salespeople.

    Here are Mick’s favorite tips for female founders that are ready to find the same level of success that she enjoys today.

    Believe in Your Dream

    Mick is the first to admit that entrepreneurship is not an easy path, and your brain will get in your way at every twist and turn in the road.

    “There will be failures, there will be bad days and days when too many bills are piling up. But, to be honest, this was our third attempt to make this project a success. The first two tries failed miserably, and we were getting into debt. But I believed in Jason, and I believed in myself, and I really believed in the product we were creating; that’s what kept me going in the dark times,” she explained.

    She says that writing down why your dream is important and why it will eventually work was helpful to her. She also went through periods where she did daily affirmations in the mirror to help her stay focused and not let negative self-talk derail her motivation and dreams.

    Learn to Love the Hard Days

    Do you think 23andMe Founder Anne Wojcicki or Away CEO Steph Korey never had a failure to deal with or a bad day to contend with? Of course, they did. Being a female entrepreneur, you need to learn to roll with the punches, but more than that, Mick suggests that you learn to enjoy each rough patch and embrace it as a learning experience.

    “The thing is, those days are certainly the hardest, but they are also the ones that force you to grow, innovate, and learn. And isn’t that really what we’re here for?” asked Mick.

    As she explained, you don’t get your best ideas — the ones that will land — until all the previous ones have failed.

    Be Okay with Making a Mess

    Starting a business isn’t neat, easy, or comfortable. Along the way, there will be naysayers, there will be critics, and sometimes they will be your best friends and family. But that’s okay; you’re starting your business and pursuing your dream for you, not them.

    Expect to experience investors that back out, meetings that go wrong, late nights, and far too much coffee. But, remember, you’re in good company; all founders have gone through this.

    “The best business minds have ideas far outside the mainstream, sometimes even shockingly so,” mused Mick. She referenced Classpass Co-founder Payal Kadakia, who had to listen to why her idea of letting app users access exclusive gyms and classes would not work for years before investors and gym chains got on board. Her company was valued at $1 billion before it was acquired by Mindbody last year.

    Know Your Subject Matter

    Every emerging field will constantly change, and female founders must stay up-to-date on every development. This means reading trade news religiously and continuously learning more about your niche.

    Mick also attends networking events, conferences, and virtual events. She connects with others in the industry and gives back to the community by sharing her knowledge as an occasional conference speaker or moderator.

    “If people consider you an expert, they’re going to be that much more likely to listen to your elevator pitch and give your dream a chance to blossom,” said Mick

    With tips like these, perhaps we’ll dust off our entrepreneurial dreams and see what we can make happen!

    About Scarlet Mick and TECOBI

    Jason Girdner & Scarlet Mick are the Founders of TECOBI, an advanced communication and advertising solution of SMS/Text conversations for the automotive industry. Served thousands of automotive companies through their industry changing software. To learn more please www.tecobi.com

    Jeff Meyer, aka the Yoda of Sports Coaching, Reveals 3 Things Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Olympians

    Jeff Meyer
    Jeff Meyer, aka the Yoda of Sports Coaching

    Jeff Meyer is one of the foremost experts in helping everyone from professional athletes to inspiring founders reach a ‘flow state.’ He’s devised a system for training people in blending physical and mental strength that lets them be their most productive, creative, and best selves.

    He has been coaching clients in reaching flow states before the mindset even had a name. For those that are not yet familiar, he describes it this way: “Flow state can be explained as an incredible synchronicity between progress, accomplishment, motivation, and the inner feeling of being unstoppable.”

    The former NCAA men’s basketball coach — who earned the nickname ‘the Yoda of coaching’ — has, over the last 30 years, created a unique, neuroscience-based peak performance program designed to coach C-suite executives, founders, and entrepreneurs. By the conclusion, they will have reached their own flow states using the same principles that athletes use. The system is called the Alpha Flow Executive Performance Series.

    Though he never saw himself moving out of the sports field, after years of requests to apply his teachings beyond the world of sports, he began researching channels for inducing flow states in non-athletes. His tireless learning taught him that much of what he’d been teaching on the field could easily be translated to the boardroom and beyond.

    Today, the social-psychological kinesiology and pedagogy expert has changed the lives of thousands of individuals, teams, companies, and organizations with his program built to create mental clarity, ultimate performance, and more.

    And he’s on course to begin teaching people around the world about reaching a flow state with his first book, the highly anticipated Athletic Genius: Activating Alpha Athleticism Through Heart Intelligence, Mindset and Vision.

    His clients thrive under his unique approach to coaching that favors gentle, mindful leadership instead of criticism and harsh ultimatums. He sees each person he coaches as an individual and seeks new ways to inspire them to greatness.

    “My athletes have contacted me, even years later, to tell me that they had applied what I taught them on the sports field in the business world. And those lessons had been priceless to them and integral to their success,” said Meyer.

    We met with the Alpha Flow Athletics Founder to learn the top three things entrepreneurs can learn from Olympic athletes.

    Teamwork is King

    On the sports field, athletes quickly learn that they can’t accomplish much without a deep sense of commitment to their team. But, unfortunately, it often means making your individual wants and needs — say, for glory and recognition — secondary to the group’s needs.

    This lesson translates nearly seamlessly to the business world, where founders and entrepreneurs learn fast about delegating, responsibility and accountability. They are on a fast track to business burnout if they don’t.

    Meyer teaches that team leaders need to train mental toughness skills, and be part of the team, not just its creator. “Under pressure you don’t rise to the occasion, you sink to the level of your training.  That’s why great training is so critical, and motivational quotes don’t work,” said Meyer.

    Sharing responsibility for mistakes, training the team to be deliberate and mindful in their effort, and accepting consequences are all concepts that apply equally well to football and founding a company.

    Push Yourself Harder

    To be the best, athletes constantly need to improve. They need to train differently, learn new techniques, and find new ways to encourage their minds and bodies to work at their optimum.

    This is the same in the business world. If you start a good, profitable company, you’ll be drawn to making it better and more profitable. Again, it’s simply the nature of business and entrepreneurship.

    From trying new things to launching new products and figuring out how to excel over the competition are other takeaways that executives can learn from Olympians. As athletes and founders know, any minor setback will often reveal the path to greater glory.

    “When it comes to struggle, embrace it and dive in. Once our prefrontal cortex clicks off, we get in the zone. As a result, a superhuman cocktail begins stirring in us, and we become recession proof and develop the ultimate competitive advantage,” Meyer explained.

    Throw Off Your Balance

    Rocking the boat is one of the surest ways to test your limits — and figure out how to exceed them. Being in a space on the field or at the computer that is new and uncomfortable is an almost sure way to reach a flow state.

    “When someone has reached an optimal state of flow, that is when they will perform at their best. About 77% of our daily thoughts are self-defeating, so when we can find focus and clarity and cut out the rest, we can thrive,” he said.

    Using these Olympic-level tips from Meyers, executives can become the best, strongest versions of ourselves.

    About Jeff Meyer

    Jeff Meyer, a lifetime sports coach, has worked with well-known professional and Olympic athletes, Fortune 500 and Fortune 100 Executives, and world-famous universities. To learn more about Alpha Flow Executive, please visit https://www.alphaflowexecutive.com/r/a

    ATMTogether Founder Paul Alex Shares His Favorite 7 Ways to Earn a Minimum of $1,000 in Monthly Passive Income

    Paul Alex
    ATMTogether Founder Paul Alex

    Over the last several years, Paul Alex has become an expert in making passive income. He began his career in law enforcement, serving his community as a detective for years before pursuing his dream of working for himself.

    Before shifting into full-time entrepreneurship, he dipped his toes in the water, spending five years building his independent automated teller machine (ATM) side hustle and learning all about the ins and outs of how independent ATM deployers (IADs) make as good, passive livings from owning the non-bank-affiliated ATM machines that the general public uses to take cash out at places like gas stations, nail salons, nightclubs, and other businesses.

    In January of 2021, he left the force to go into business for himself, founding ATMTogether.com. By then, he was already making a five-figure income from his ATM venture.

    He realized over that half-decade working in ATMs that there was no community of his peers. He was seeking a place where he could share tips and ideas as well as celebrate and commiserate with a group of his passive income-generating peers in the same field.

    He decided to start an online community, and that’s where the idea for ATMTogether.com began.

    “I was not on social media for seven years, but decided to create a Facebook profile to network with other ATM entrepreneurs. However, I quickly realized that there wasn’t a group or community where those interested or involved in the ATM business could join and share their experiences and tips with like-minded individuals. So, I created one,” Paul Alex explained.

    He started that leg of the journey by creating the “ATM Business for Beginners” Facebook group, which boasts over 41,000 members today. This group gave him so much more than a virtual community, though. It taught him that there was no place for aspiring ATM entrepreneurs to learn the business from the ground up, and there was also a gap in the market for ATM location finder services.

    From that ‘eureka’ moment, he built a program called “ATM Automation ELITE” that could help people create a fully realized ATM business for anyone across the US.

    He called his new business ATMtogether.com in reference to the community he created and the teamwork he outlined for would-be entrepreneurs. In under two years, Paul Alex has served over 1,300 clients.

    However, Paul Alex knows that ATMs are not the only way regular people can earn a passive income of $1,000 or more every month. Here are a few of his favorite side hustles.

    Independent ATM Deployer

    Of course, this is Paul Alex’s favorite passive income job or side hustle. “Sure, there are many ways to make that passive income everyone strives for. But, for me, owning ATMs takes very little time and provides a way to make your money work for you,” he said.

    YouTube Content Creator

    The owners of YouTube channels can let the video behemoth run ads on their videos before or during the content. Creators can also opt to have ads running on the right-hand side of the video. These ads create revenue for the creator, and if a watcher clicks on one of the ads, they make even more money.

    For example, a monthly channel with ads and 500,000 views can generate about $4,000.

    Start a Membership Page

    Whether it’s a Patreon, OnlyFans, or your own paid website, pages where you regularly add exclusive content for a monthly membership fee are great money-makers. Whether it’s unique content on fixing cars, gorgeous photos, or news stories from your favorite writer, people all over the world pay for your specialty.

    With memberships that range between $5-$300 monthly, you can make a great passive income with just a few members or a few hundred.

    Write a Book

    An evergreen book on, say, how to move to Spain as an American or how to break into voiceover acting can make passive income for years to come. And they are easy to self-publish on Amazon. If there’s something that you are an expert on that others are interested in, this is a great route. If you sell your book for $5, you can make $1,000 from just 200 sales monthly.

    Become an Amazon Affiliate

    You can become an Amazon affiliate by adding links to products you love if you have a blog or website. Then, when one of your viewers or readers clicks and buys these products from Amazon, you’ll get a cut of the sale — typically 4-8% of the price.

    If you have a loyal following that trusts you, reaching $1,000 per month can be easy based on the products you recommend and link to.

    Make an Online Course

    Another way to make money from your knowledge is to create an online course. Once completed and launched, this can earn passive income for years to come. You can sell it yourself on your own website, through your email list, or via a third-party site, like Udemy.

    Since courses are often considered high-value items, they can easily sell for $100 or more each. So, you’d only need to make 10 sales per month from your own site to reach $1,000 a month.

    Buy a Rental Property or Rent a Room in Your Home

    If you have the money to invest in a rental home or apartment, this can be a great way to enter the property market ladder and make a passive income each month from renters. But, if you aren’t quite there yet, financially, you can begin by renting out your spare bedroom by the month, week, or night on Airbnb or other sites.

    No matter which route you choose to make passive income, once you start, you’ll wonder why you ever worked a 9-5 in the first place.

    About Paul Alex and ATMTogether.com

    Paul Alex is a former law enforcement officer turned entrepreneur. He has experience in sales and digital marketing. He founded ATMTogether.com Automation Services to help clients establish their first ATM locations throughout the United States. The company has helped educate an excess of over 41,000 aspiring entrepreneurs nationwide regarding the ATM industry and currently has over 1,300 clients enrolled into their ATM Automation program. For more information, please visit https://go.atmtogether.com/join

    Michael Essany Keeps Giving Print-on-Demand Entrepreneurs Fresh ‘Momentum’

    Michael Essany
    Michael Essany

    Michael Essany’s brain works like a computer.

    Give it a search command, and you’re met with an abundance of information.

    A few moments of conversation with Essany is all that’s required to get a glimpse of how niche-savvy this print-on-demand savant is.

    Name a top niche and, instinctively, he can rattle off what’s happening in that genre, extemporaneously expounding on areas of opportunity and sharing ideas off the top of his head. With a quick search of Amazon or Etsy, nothing turns up that’s remotely like what sprung full bloom from his creative brow a nanosecond after being questioned.

    It’s enough to leave an onlooker incredulous. But as members of his amply respected Merch Momentum Facebook group can attest, Essany has always been like this. His creativity, as one group member describes in a comment on a recent Essany advice post, is “out of this world.”

    A writer, entrepreneur, and media personality for more than two decades, Michael Essany stumbled into the print-on-demand industry by accident close to 7 years ago. It was, by his own admission, a fluke.

    “I was working on a project for a marketing firm in Southern California and was assigned to cover what Amazon had in the pipeline for entrepreneurs building new streams of income,” he reveals. “I never expected to find ‘Merch By Amazon’ let alone become a print-on-demand tshirt designer. I knew nothing of graphic design or online apparel sales. Totally not my wheelhouse.”

    But the skills he lacked were more than compensated for by his undeniable strengths — strengths that Essany is too modest to expound upon without cracking a quip.

    “Anyone who associates me with strength has never watched me try to kill a spider,” he jokes.

    But his strengths are obvious. He communicates with a degree of clarity and ease that is rare. And it’s all but certainly the case that Essany’s communications expertise is the root of his success as a POD creator and a respected leader in the ecommerce community.

    Furthering his stature, Essany released in early September his first training course for print-on-demand sellers. “Merch Momentum: A Course of Action for Print on Demand Creators and Entrepreneurs” was launched free for members of Merch Momentum, raising eyebrows even among Essany’s supporters over how this three-hour course and nearly 200-page corresponding ebook could be free.

    But, alas, there were no catches. No upsells. No links to products. Nothing but what appears to be a sincere “brain dump” of lessons Essany says he has learned and ideas he hopes can help others.

    “There are no guarantees for riches with my course and I get really disheartened when I see others making it sound as though their expensive courses are the gateways to riches in print-on-demand,” Essany admits. “There are no shortcuts. POD was made to sound easy by a lot of gurus with garbage courses to sell but nothing about this is easy. You have to work extremely hard, be extremely creative, innovate all of the time and imitate none of the time, all while keeping customer needs top of mind and developing an appetite for competing that’s stronger than your aversion to competition.”

    Five minutes of listening to Essany speak and it’s hard to imagine wanting to take another step forward in POD without him at your side. His thoughtful encouragement and calming words are borderline addictive. And they are powerfully helpful for some.

    Essany shared direct Facebook messages and emails he’s received but refuses to “take advantage of” by sharing publicly. One note from a Merch Momentum Facebook group member says that a tshirt suggestion he shared in 2020 was the reason she was able to buy her first new car in 2021. Another member showed sales of nearly $4,000 on one tshirt idea Essany provided earlier this year. And there are more just like them. But they’ll never be used for Merch Momentum marketing, Essany attests, though you might be surprised as to why.

    “I have a really strong dislike for success stories and royalty reports,” he admits. ” I get that they can be inspiring to some because it confirms that POD can give you life-changing money. But enough of us generally know this by now. And so when we hear reports of massive sales and big royalties, I think it does more harm than good to a majority of sellers exposed to those numbers. A lot of people feel they are failing or falling behind. And I don’t want anyone to waste time focusing on the past. Everyone needs their sights trained on the future, learning from past mistakes and not chasing the sales numbers that merely look easy to achieve.”

    So with Essany’s first course behind him, are there plans for more any time soon?

    “No, definitely not,” he says with a laugh. “I’ve been working toward this first one for years. Another right now will kill me. Maybe one day.”

    But he says the response to his on-screen video coaching was very positive and he’ll be working on more video-focused learning content.

    “I’ve got something in the works that, to my knowledge, hasn’t been done before and I’ll be releasing that when I’m comfortable with it and happy how it’s turned out,” Essany says.

    So no big-ticket coaching seminars and training sessions on the horizon?

    “Zero chance of that ever happening,” he fires back.

    And his Merch Momentum Gumroad store seems to confirm as much. Despite providing what some Merch Momentum community members regard as the gold standard of research tools, Essany hasn’t strayed from pricing his strategy guides beyond $10 or $20.

    And he says that will never change.

    “I’m really thankful to have found print-on-demand and to be part of a community of great people [Merch Momentum] I love working with,” Essany confesses. “I want to see everyone do really well and reach whatever goals they have. It’s what motivates me!”

    Essany’s Merch Momentum’s Facebook group is free and open to all print-on-demand creators.


    How the ‘Golden Hard Hat’ Program, Created by Henry Goudreau, is Revolutionizing How Construction Entrepreneurs are Building Better Businesses

    Henry Goudreau
    Henry Goudreau, the founder of both Contractor Coaching and HG Associates

    Henry Goudreau, the founder of both Contractor Coaching and HG Associates, as well as his signature ‘Golden Hard Hat’ mentoring program, was hailed as ‘America’s top business building resource coach and mentor’ by Commercial Magazine.


    And for good reason.

    He has helped guide hundreds of contractors to building better businesses along their respective journeys. He helps them scale and uplevel themselves, both professionally and personally.

    The veteran contractor, mentor and influential speaker’s course guides clients along the path to an eventual $1 million in revenue, while his clients have also gone on to generate a combined net worth of more than $10 million.

    As Goudreau puts it, the program is “Worth more than the investment price.”

    Contractors, construction professionals and industry entrepreneurs who are seeking to evaluate their respective businesses, decide on what may be working, while assessing both their abilities and that of their companies, are seeking out the tutelage of Goudreau.

    The Influence of Goudreau

    His ‘Golden Hard Hat’ mentoring program helps contractors and construction professionals who earn more than $1 million while also earning more freedom to focus on things not just on site, but also at home. In fact, in achieving this type of financial and professional freedom, one’s respective business continues to grow.

    First steps for Goudreau include spotlighting any self-sabotaging or self-limiting beliefs and thoughts. He helps them target and conquer their fears and challenges that may be affecting them in their personal and professional lives. He then offers his expertise in helping them establish how to set realistic and attainable goals, create a sound and centered business model and then utilize it all in employing success.

    “My ‘Golden Hard Hat’ mentoring program is for anyone who may feel trapped or crippled in the construction business,” said Goudreau. “My mentoring program helps business owners who may feel overwhelmed by putting in endless hours, those who feel like their businesses could be performing better and, obviously, those who want to see their revenue skyrocket.”

    The ‘Golden Hard Hat’ mentoring program is for any and all contractors and construction professionals who may feel weighed down by the endless hours and week-long shifts. However, if they maintain that their respective businesses can perform better, and they have yet to reach their full potential, then garnering the lifestyle and professional lives they want is right around the corner, thanks to Goudreau.

    The mission for Goudreau is to help clients align one’s business with a sound business model, a performing marketing strategy and realistic goals to eventually build success.

    The Street Smart Contractor

    Additionally, in conjunction with his ‘Golden Hard Hat’ mentoring program, Goudreau has penned numerous books, including his free ebook for newsletter subscribers, The Street Smart Contractor. In it, he takes readers on a journey of how to successfully navigate a more fulfilled professional and personal life, ditching the long hours and underperforming marketing campaigns en route to financial freedom and success.

    The eight-chapter, 46-page book offers sections like, ‘evaluating one’s business’, ‘trading time for money’, ‘getting one’s life back’, and ‘business metrics’, among other subjects. The entire book culminates with his four cornerstones that he deems necessary to take one’s business to the next level, as well as four excuses which are holding one back. In fact, he also touches on five ways to make a construction business successful too!

    “It’s all about escaping the long hours and building a construction business that gives you the financial freedom and lifestyle you want and deserve,” said Goudreau. “I mentor an exclusive list of construction owners and businesses who are ready to roll up their sleeves and work hard to learn and then ultimately reap the rewards of their efforts.”

    About Henry Goudreau

    Henry Goudreau is the Founder of HG Associates and Golden Hard Hat Mentoring Program. Goudreau has mentored over 100 clients to 10x their businesses. To find out more about his weekly mentoring calls, please visit https://contractorcoaching.com